Y'all, I must be brain dead...well, at least partially brain dead. This morning I posted photos of Hannah at three and a half because I didn't take photos near her actual birthday. I was bumming because I didn't have a photo session with Abi when she turned one...well, I THOUGHT I didn't have those photo sessions but I actually did. Seriously, I'm smarter than I thought and dumber than I thought. How can this be possible? This morning I was taking a few photos of the little girls outside (which I'll share soon) and I got to thinking...wait, we did do photos...downtown...and at our favorite park. AND I even blogged about them
here. Seriously folks, how does this happen? Anyway, I am going to do some 18 month shots of Abi because I think the dress I made her for her birthday might actually fit her now!! And because she's cute!
But I will never be upset with taking more photos. And having photos of Hannah and Naomi in the same dress is really sweet. So, it's not a bad thing that I took more photos...just bad that I couldn't remember taking them in the first place. But to my credit, Naomi, who usually remembers everything didn't remember me taking the photos either and that's part of the reason that I thought we never did them!
And because every post is better with a photo....here's my curly headed girl and Hannah doing her duck face!
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