This sweet little girl, who made me a mom, is seven. SEVEN. How can that be? It is so true that the days take forever (sometimes) but the years fly by. She is such a sweet girl. She's full of energy, creativity, compassion and just the right amount of spunk. She loves Jesus and wants everyone to know how great He is. She loves to sing and dance, draw and paint. She wants to learn how to sew and play softball. She wants to be a teacher and a ballerina (and everything really), she's learning how to play the piano and spell. She's such an amazing and talented little girl. I cannot wait to see what God has up His sleeve for this little girls future. Amazing things are in store, I am confident of that. Yes, she is a normal seven year old girl with a flair for the dramatic, a need for attention and a desire to be noticed, but I wouldn't have her any other way. So blessed to call this gift from God my daughter!

She has been asking for an American Girl doll since her last birthday. We all agree that the price of those sweet dolls is a

she is such a SWEETHEART! her beauty shines inside and out!!!! hope she had an awesome birthday!!!!
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