We've been enjoying some great weather around here lately. It's been in the high 70's and today was in the high 60's. Grandma and Grandpa came for a long weekend visit and we're so glad they came to hang out, for grandpa to meet Hannah and to spend some good quality time with our kiddos. It ended up being such a tremendous blessing for them to be here at this exact time - God really knows what He's doing - because Greg announced in church on Sunday that he accepted the call to serve the church in Tennessee, I had a 48 hour fever and was pretty useless for two days and they helped around the house as well as playing with the kids nonstop!
The day after grandparents leave is always a little challenging on everyone. No extra hands to wipe bottoms, noses, counters, etc. No extra eyes to watch out for sibling rivalry, read books and just take in their cuteness. So we had a little bit of a challenging day but it wasn't too bad. I mean if you can capture this with your cell phone you're doing pretty good right?

Then around 5pm Naomi was playing outside and riding her horse (you know the bouncy kind), Greg had just gotten home and we were standing in the kitchen talking. I could see her but was not "watching" her. Next thing we know she's falling off the horse and hit her head on the cement. We both heard the thud and I ran, picked her up and brought her inside. There was no visible bump on her head, nothing even red or irritated. So we let her rest on the couch for a bit, then had her come to the table for dinner. She said she didn't feel well so she went to her room to lay down for a bit. Then about 10 minutes later I went to check on her, she was awake so I asked her if she wanted to join us for dinner. She said sure and came and ate with us. Around 6:15 Greg had to leave to go to a meeting. He left and everything seemed pretty normal. I knew that I needed to give Micah a bath since he took a dry mud shower outside earlier and I also knew that Hannah wasn't going to let me put her down...so I called my sweet neighbor Pam and asked if she'd hold Hannah. While I'm giving Micah a bath Naomi vomits. So I called Greg. I can hear Hannah crying from Pam's house, Micah's in the tub, Naomi's vomiting...awesome! Nothing like a little stress to add to my week.
So, Pam comes back with Hannah, I get Micah out of the tub, dressed and then finally one kid is self-sufficient. Pam and I are talking, she's holding Naomi at this point and I'm holding Hannah. Both girls are quiet, Naomi starts falling asleep and asks to go to bed. So I let her. Greg calls me back and tells me he's on his way home and that Naomi needs to go to the ER. So I tried to wake her up but wasn't too persistent and was not successful either.
Once Greg got home he woke Naomi up and got her out to the car and took her to the ER. That was about 8:00pm. He texted that she vomited again in the waiting room bathroom. Then she got into a room around 8:30 and blood pressure was fine. The dr. came in and did some tests and determined that she did have a concussion. Naomi was a trooper through all the tests and vomited again at the end of them all. The dr. said that there's a chemical in your body that is released after a trauma like this and when you move around it gets activated thus the vomiting after dinner, walking into the hospital and doing all the tests. The dr. also told them that she wanted to do a cat scan. So, the cat scan has been done and they are waiting on the results...which could take anywhere from 45 minutes to 2.5 hours. So, I'll keep you posted but if you could say a prayer for my little girl I'd truly appreciate it!

Greg said she did a great job for the cat scan and when they were done she asked if she could have a sticker for her brother and sister too! What a sweet little girl!
Updated: Naomi is fine. The cat scan was normal. She just has a concussion. Thanks for the prayers for our little one...guess she'll be more careful when getting off the horse!
Glad the CT came back normal, how scary for y'all... hope she's back to normal and riding her 'horse' again soon!
So glad to hear the CT Scan came back fine! What a sweet little girl :) Are you excited about the move to Tennessee? I hear it is beautiful there.
I can still hear the "thud" Nora made as she fell down our hard wood stairs. I think she must have hit every step. Thankfully, only her shin was bruised. She was more scared than anything else, but I'm pretty sure Nathan and I don't want to go through anything like that again. I don't think he's ever moved so fast before. Not quite as exciting as Naomi's injury, but I can relate to you and Greg - being parents "sucks" sometimes! Congrats on the accepted call! Looks like God is sending your family on another exciting adventure.
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