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seven years later...

Monday, October 05, 2009
sometimes I still can't believe that I'm married...
let alone have two children
and own a home.

But it is true.
I am marryable.
I am married.
I am happy,
because I have my beloved by my side.

Life is not always easy.
Times are tough.
But it makes the joys that much more joyful.

In honor of our seventh anniversary,
I wanted to take a look back at the AWESOME memories
that were created seven years ago on the day I began this journey with Greg!

Again, a HUGE thank you to everyone who made our day so incredible.
I still have so many details from that day etched into my memory.
I LOVED everything about that day and will always treasure those memories.
I'm just so glad I have great photos to help me remember the day!
Our photographers Kevin and Heidi did a great job!
If you're looking for someone to photograph your wedding in the
West Bend, WI area I can highly recommend them!
(click on images to see them larger)
The Bride!
The Ladies!
The Men!
The Families!
The Ceremony!
The Families all together!
The Wedding Party!
Jst the Two of us!

The Reception!

Greg, I thank God that He chose you for me. Thank you for allowing me to be me and for loving me just as I am, yet challenging me to be a better person. I pray that in the many years of marriage to come we will continue to seek Christ first in all we do and learn to love each other more with the love that Christ has for His church! I love you babe!

Katherine Marie! said...

Talk about GORGEOUS... wowswers... you make the most beautiful couple. HAPPY SEVEN!!!!!! enjoy your romantic get-a-way!

I hate to tell you this but I'm so bad with anniversaries... I usually forget mine!

mlorfeld said...

It was a beautiful wedding, especially since it was so centered around Christ. I've been praying for you guys ever since that God would continue to fill your marriage and family with his grace.

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