My sister-in-law contacted me in February and asked if I would be willing to donate a piece of art work to their Lutheran Schools auction to be held later that month. I was honored to be asked to do so and got to work!
I decided to paint three similar pieces right away to save myself some time because I knew I wanted to be able to donate more than one piece for Lutheran Schools. Once my friends found out I was willing to do so I got some emails about other auctions. I have been able to donate six pieces so far for Lutheran School auctions and I am working on a few other donation pieces as well.
I am going to be donating two pieces to our upcoming Relay for Life Auction as well as for a couple of adoption auctions that are being organized online. Here's a little glimpse into my process. One of these days I'll video tape my process and put it up on you tube!
Background painting...The three blue ones were for the Fruit of the Spirit paintings and the apricot ones were for my kids bathroom that I shared yesterday.

Then I painted the basic banner shape.
Next I added in the banner details and the splashes of color all around the painting!
Next I marked my words directly onto the painting with chalk which I just wipe away with a damp paper towel once I am done with my marker!
I used a black faber castell marker on these boards and it worked great!
While I was painting the big pieces I made some smaller pieces to send to a friend for a giveaway she was having on instagram!

Here are the other pieces I donated!!

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