Whew! What a week. It's so hard for me to remember where this week started because I feel like it's been ALL OVER THE PLACE. Started this week on the farm with our dear friends and kicked off our simple summer. Then three days at home was enough of a shock to my system to make me want to go back to work. Those were three rough days. I don't quite have my system in place and my home is still SLOWLY trying to recover from the tornado that I call May! My kids were antsy. My patience was low. Too many things to do and nothing at all to do at the same time. It was a challenging couple of days. But I think we're over it now and ready to move on with summer. My in-laws are here for a week so the kids have some more playmates ;) and it's always nice to have extra hands around the house to help with things and to keep everyone company. I am hoping to uncover my house from the disaster that struck and get the kids on a little bit of a schedule...not too much structure but just an idea of what's going on. I cannot wait to share what I have planned for them! We started a big painting project (and by big I just mean a 24x30 canvas painted blue) for one of our simple summer projects. This morning I made a teepee out of tree branches that my father-in-law trimmed for us along with a sheet and some clothespins. My hubby tilled the small 3ft by 12ft plot of land that will soon be our garden. And we're having a great time....enjoying our simple summer. Taking photos with the big camera. Sewing on the back patio while the kids play. Going to baseball practice and games. I don't know how much I'll get to blog this summer but I hope to stop in from time to time to tell you what we've got going on because I'm really looking forward to some of the things I have up my sleeve for the kiddos!! And I blog for MY memory. This is MY scrapbook and I'm honored that any of you would even want to take a glimpse.
I was so excited to be referred by my friend Lenae to one of her friends for my photography services. And I was even more excited when Crystal took me up on the buy one get one sessions that I offered in February. The greatest compliment to me is a referral!! We got Crystal and her extended family together and had a great time at the park. Two sweet little ones and lots of big grown up smiles as well. We had perfect weather (ok it was a little humid but at least it didn't rain) and I don't think I made anyone cry!! Which after the week I had I was excited to not hear anyone cry! I was so pleased with how these photos turned out and really hope that Crystal and the whole family love them too! I had such a hard time narrowing it down to a manageable number...here are some sneak peaks. I will have more on my facebook page soon!!
Thanks so much Crystal for allowing me to help you capture your family and these memories at this special time in your life. You'll never get these days back! Thanks for choosing me to help get these memories recorded!!

LOVE LOVE LOVE little man's expression in this one!!

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