This sweet little unexpected but always wanted little peanut turned one today. I cannot believe how fast a year can truly go. She came a week and a day later than expected but we're so glad to call her ours!! She is full of personality and has done many things at the same time as the bigger kids, some things faster and some things slower. But she is her own person and we love her. She is starting to think about walking and is taking about two steps at a time. She has 6 teeth, weighs 18lbs 11oz and is 28 inches tall. She loves to clap, squeal. bop up and down to the music, smile and laugh (although she doesn't always smile when I get the camera out). She is a joy to be around and brightens up the days of those she comes into contact with. I cannot imagine a day without this girl even though she's only been here for 365 of them so far. We love you Abi Grace and are so blessed to have you in our family!

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