The coughing continues in our house...and we're hoping that we don't get my sister sick! She came in on Tuesday and will be with us till next Monday. She's great at coloring and playing cars and "Dancing Star" (as a judge) with the kids. She's already been a huge help to us in our time of transition...and I really hope to get all my unpacking done while she's here! maybe wishful thinking...
So besides being sick and not having everything unpacked we're doing pretty good. We miss our friends...but are starting to make new friends. I've already found the pediatricians office and can get there without the garmin!! It's different living in a smaller town, it used to take Greg about 20 minutes to get to work now it takes 5-7 depending on the stop lights. The drs office used to be about 20 minutes away from us now it's about 10 and that's the other side of town. It's not a really small town but when you go from the 7th largest city in the US to a town/city of 80,000 it makes a difference. Well, I better go get some more unpacking done.
I've got lots of photos to share but will have to pace myself to get them all on here...
but I'll leave you with this one...

The house is gorgeous! Glad you all arrived safely and praying you all feel better real soon. Can't wait to hear and see more of your new life in TN :)
i'm assuming you're around the memphis/bartlett/germantown area since you're going to the dr. in memphis! :) i must have missed the post where you said what town you've moved to. i LOVE memphis, i miss living there so much! i live 2 hours southeast of memphis now, in a small town called savannah. not so fun. haha. way too small for me! anyway, glad you guys made it safe, and have fun! memphis is a fantastic place to live! i love love love it.
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