It's been a while since I've given the kids their own here goes.
They are as crazy as ever and lots of fun.
Everyday Naomi pretends she's a princess.
Someday's she's Ariel, someday's Snow White,
but most often she's Cinderella.
And then she wants Micah to be Prince Charming.
She's more and more aware of everything that goes on around her...
and we have to be real careful about what we talk about in front of her.
She talks or sings ALL DAY LONG!
I'm praying for patience on this one.
She also loves to do projects and crafts.
She LOVES coloring in her new coloring books that she got for Christmas
and some mornings she'll just go right to her coloring book before
even coming in our room (to wake us up).
She loves to go to Sunday School and her teachers say she does really well.
At least she behaves for other people right?
We do have some issues with her right now and we're trying
to figure out the best way to get her to stop doing what she's doing.
So far, no luck.
Micah is a charmer.
He makes the funniest faces and noises.
Still not a lot of talking but he's trying out new words all the time.
He doesn't usually finish his words...for example:
Mickey Mouse is Mi Mou
and door is doo
and so on and so forth.
He also loves to sing and dance and has
recently taken to getting dressed up just like big sis.
He's still crying every time I lay him down for nap or bed.
Not for very long but still there are tears.
How can I get that to stop.
Babysitters tell me that he barely cries at all for them.
what gives?
They play pretty well together.
Otherwise Naomi is always very afraid
that Micah will get her toys.
He always wants to be doing what she's doing
so it's hard to stop him from playing with her toys.
They are real sweet though and I am
so blessed that I am able to stay home with
these little sweeties...
even though someday's I think it would
be better if I was admitted!!!
But I just have to keep telling myself that
they are little and they're going to grow up before I realize it.
So, I'm going to treasure each moment I get with these two,
and try to give them fond memories of their childhood.
Here's the kiddos before church on Sunday.
Micah looked so dashing in his sweater vest and slacks!!!
And I put Naomi in her Christmas dress because really,
to only wear that dress one time would be a crying shame!
They are as crazy as ever and lots of fun.
Everyday Naomi pretends she's a princess.
Someday's she's Ariel, someday's Snow White,
but most often she's Cinderella.
And then she wants Micah to be Prince Charming.
She's more and more aware of everything that goes on around her...
and we have to be real careful about what we talk about in front of her.
She talks or sings ALL DAY LONG!
I'm praying for patience on this one.
She also loves to do projects and crafts.
She LOVES coloring in her new coloring books that she got for Christmas
and some mornings she'll just go right to her coloring book before
even coming in our room (to wake us up).
She loves to go to Sunday School and her teachers say she does really well.
At least she behaves for other people right?
We do have some issues with her right now and we're trying
to figure out the best way to get her to stop doing what she's doing.
So far, no luck.
Micah is a charmer.
He makes the funniest faces and noises.
Still not a lot of talking but he's trying out new words all the time.
He doesn't usually finish his words...for example:
Mickey Mouse is Mi Mou
and door is doo
and so on and so forth.
He also loves to sing and dance and has
recently taken to getting dressed up just like big sis.
He's still crying every time I lay him down for nap or bed.
Not for very long but still there are tears.
How can I get that to stop.
Babysitters tell me that he barely cries at all for them.
what gives?
They play pretty well together.
Otherwise Naomi is always very afraid
that Micah will get her toys.
He always wants to be doing what she's doing
so it's hard to stop him from playing with her toys.
They are real sweet though and I am
so blessed that I am able to stay home with
these little sweeties...
even though someday's I think it would
be better if I was admitted!!!
But I just have to keep telling myself that
they are little and they're going to grow up before I realize it.
So, I'm going to treasure each moment I get with these two,
and try to give them fond memories of their childhood.
Here's the kiddos before church on Sunday.
Micah looked so dashing in his sweater vest and slacks!!!
And I put Naomi in her Christmas dress because really,
to only wear that dress one time would be a crying shame!

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