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reformation fest 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
It's that time of year again.
Time to dress up and walk around the neighborhood begging for candy.
Time to decorate the house with leaves and pumpkins (fake for me, real for everyone up north).
Time to get out the 95 theses that Martin Luther wrote and read them.
Time to celebrate the Reformation and the great things that Martin Luther did.
Our church holds an annual Reformation Fest on the Sunday before Reformation Day.
The kiddos get dressed up (some adults do too!), play games, jump in the bounce house, dunk the youth in the dunk tank and get candy too!
It's a great time for fellowship with friends and time to make new friends.

Naomi knew months ago that she wanted to dress up like a princess.
I knew cousin Emily was Snow White we borrowed the costume.
Micah didn't really have an opinion (or so we thought).
We borrowed Michael's baseball costume that Andrew had also worn before.
We figured it would be pretty cool for all the boy cousins to be the baseball at some time.
Micah was NOT having it. He threw a huge fit both times we tried it on him.
So, we put the church mouse costume on him that Naomi wore two years ago.
He didn't seem to mind. It was like wearing short pj's to him I'm sure.

Without further adu, here are Snow White and our church mouse. I wanted to be a nun when I was pregnant with Micah. Yes, I do have a sense of humor in case you were wondering. But at that time I didn't have the costume. This time I did. Thanks Sandy for letting me borrow your nun was a hit!
Greg had to preach so he dressed up as himself! Or if you want to look at it as a costume he was "Father Greg" and I was "Sister Jamie". What are you dressing up as?

Katherine Marie! said...

Super sweet costumes... I love your pregnant nun idea!!! hehehehe...

Holly said...

Andrew is going to be woody, a hand me down costume from Michael, and Noah is going to be buzz, Andrew's costume from last year. Our church is doing a trunk or treat thing along with a bon fire and a hay ride. Gene's parents will be here too to join in the fun and to also watch the Packer/Viking game on Sunday. Mom and Dad Truwe are also going to the trunk or treak, so there will be plenty of people to help the kids get their treats. What fun!!

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