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fall harvest birthday party

Saturday, October 28, 2017 •

Today we finally got around to having Abi's 5th birthday party. October was a crazy busy month with three birthdays, our Anniversary, three kids playing sports and a trip to St. Louis. We just had to push Abi's party off a bit, but I don't think it bothered her much. If you've been hanging around here long you know that we throw our kids "big friend" parties when they turn 1,5 and seems that I am still throwing a big party every year...but at least it isn't 5 big parties!! Abi decided on a pumpkin party since I happened to ask her what kind of party she wanted one day while we were walking through Hobby Lobby two months ago. She wanted pumpkins (since we happened to be standing right next to some) so we went with a fall harvest theme. Really, it was just an excuse to use beautiful fall decorations and make some yummy treats.

I always go a little overboard with my parties but it is something I love to do. This is my jam. I would LOVE to plan parties for other people but I will start with my people. Some moms have gifts of math, organization, cleanliness, etc I have the gift of throwing a I might as well do it to the best of my ability. I feel like I'm slacking a little bit lately on the actual "party" though because I focus so much on the table of snacks! ha!! Well, today I had a sure win when I asked a friend from church if they would bring their horse to our house and let the kids all have a ride!! And they did!! And the kids LOVED it (as far as I could tell). One sweet little boy even said, "I've never been a real cowboy before" before his turn to ride the horse. Abi smiled from ear to ear the whole time she got to ride the horse and the other party guests enjoyed it as well. The kids also did a little turkey craft that Abi picked out and they played outside for a bit.

Abi had a great time and I think her friends did too. It was a little cold and a lot disjointed but it was fun nonetheless. Thanks friends who came to share in this day with our sweet sassy Abi. We enjoyed your company and enjoyed having you celebrate with us. No pictures of the friends on the blog since I didn't ask their permission!! But here are a few from the party...mostly the table and yes most things were ideas from pinterest and most decorations were from Hobby Lobby!!

My amazing friend Kellee made these cookies for the party. We used the horse cookie and a leaf cookie for the party favors and ate the rest. So pretty and so delicious!!
Image may contain: food

Loryn Eckhoff said...

What? No picture of you on the horse?! It was a lovely party, we really enjoyed celebrating Abi.

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