I figured before September is completely over I should stop by and say hello. I can't let two months go by without posting! If you're curious what I'm up to the best way to find out is to follow my journey on instagram. I do plan on posting more here as well in the weeks ahead. Lots of things are going on and time does not slow down. As is the case with everyone's lives, we're busy. But if we don't take time to stop and look around once in a while we're gonna miss this amazing thing called life. I've been having so much fun with some new/old crafts. I've been enjoying being outside more since it has cooled down. We've had a couple of fun and busy months and it's not going to slow down so I need to be more intentional about taking it all in!
I have always loved crafts. I have always loved working with my hands...on any type of project. I love to embroider...the idea of writing with thread is so fun. I love to create things with thread that are more permanent than just pencil on paper. I have many ideas floating around in my head of things I want to embroider. This monogram family name embroidery is one that was in my head for a long time and I finally got it out. I am pleased with how they turned out but plan to do a little more practice before I am totally satisfied with them. Different letters and amounts of names bring along their own challenges. I am selling these 6inch Custom Family Monograms for $20 (plus s/h) in my etsy shop.

Since I work as the Director of Afternoons at my kids school I am there to supervise kids after school. One part of this is supervising kids in the quiet homework room. I am not one to just sit around and do nothing. So, I've put this quiet time to good use. I have started doing more hand lettering and I LOVE it. I love the whole process. I am also doing some custom family Arti-Facts and also some for babies and Weddings!! I'll post about those soon. But in the mean time here are some of my recent hand-lettering posters. Some of these can be found in my etsy shop. And I'm open for custom orders so just shoot me a message on my etsy page and I'll create something unique just for you!

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