I love having three girls but there is something a little extra special about my relationship with my son. This little guy has me wrapped around his finger. He is such a sweet little boy and adds so much to our family. He is five now and tells just about anyone he meets. He really enjoyed his first year of school. He went to pre-school three days a week and I'm pretty sure he wished he could have gone seven days a week. We dreaded Wednesday nights because we had to break it to him once again that he wouldn't be going to school for 4 days. He is so excited to go to kindergarten and I'm pretty sure he thinks he's supposed to go tomorrow. He made some great friends at school and I am so excited to see him and his little buddies grow up together...they're going to be such good husbands, fathers, etc.
He loves to play outside and has a great imagination. He loves to play baseball and with his cars and trains. He is a little boy to the core. But he has three sisters and since one of them is older he does have his fair share of playing "family" and Barbies. But I'm okay with that and I think it will help him become a great husband and father. He loves to play with Naomi most of the time but he's also great at playing by himself for a little while. He's a GREAT big brother to Hannah and Abi and LOVES those little girls. Greg is doing a great job of teaching him to protect the girls. I am so excited to see what this little guy does in the future but I am not looking forward to him growing up so fast. He's such a great little boy and I'm so excited that God blessed our family with him.
This kid is hilarious and keeps us laughing. He's probably not even sure what he says that makes him so funny. He just has great delivery more than anything. I try to post his funny sayings on facebook so I don't forget them. I'll post a few here because I know that not everyone is on facebook...
Micah made a keen observation tonight: "Mom, Veggie Tales don't have arms...well they do have arms but they're invisible arms."
Micah: "how long will the snow stay? Inly God knows because He made it. Why did God make it snow? Maybe because he wanted me to play in it." Can't argue with that...if only we had some boots.
Micah and Naomi are playing family, Micah says, "mom, pretend you're my mom." He then asks me to babysit his kids like I babysit him all day long. Then he was typing on his cell phone and tells me the address of where they are going and says "I zipped it into your phone". Love these kids!
Micah quote of the day: "mommy i heard the cardinals are winning. Zero to nothing"
I was singing along with Nichole Nordeman and Micah says: "did you write this song mom? You sound just like

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