I am officially a six year old mom. It's crazy to think that Naomi is six already! Man, it goes so fast. Naomi first requested a beach cake. Easy I thought...then I proded her for more, why a beach cake? She didn't have a good answer...then I somehow convinced her to have a ballerina cake. Um...the beach cake would have been super easy, what was I doing? I just thought that maybe when she looked back at her sixth birthday she may wonder why she wanted a beach cake!
Anyway, she's in ballet now at school so it just seemed like a good fit. I knew I had the cake pan and the doll torsos to make little ballerina type figures so I figured it would be okay. Even at 9 months prego. But I should have started sooner. The cakes were done on Sunday but I left the decorating till Monday...bad idea. I mean it turned out okay but it would have been better had I given myself more time. But Naomi LOVED it and her face lit up when she saw the cake so that made it all worth it to me. So here is the ballerina cake!
We let her choose where she went to breakfast with Greg (a birthday tradition) and we let her choose where we'd all go to lunch. She chose Red Lobster...good for her, not so much for the non-seafood lover in me, but I love my daughter so I had some delicious chicken!
If you know me in real life (or on facebook) you know that my parents have moved to our city. They moved here the second week of September. Can I tell you how incredible it is? A-MAZE-ING!! Incredible! We are totally blessed!! They have been a tremendous help with the kids already and it's great to be able to have them here to celebrate these special days.
Seriously, she's so big! When did this happen?! Seems like overnight she just grew up!! She's such an incredible little girl!!
And she even got to go to Chuck E. Cheese to help a classmate celebrate his birthday. Sounds like the perfect day for a six year old hey? Well, she did have a great day and we loved celebrating her!!

Oh and I made pumpkin muffins for her to take to school (no frosting, peanut butter or Red 40 allowed). Super easy to make (thanks pinterest) and they were delicious. She said all the kids liked them...and there were leftovers which I enjoyed too!! One can of pumpkin one cake mix 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes! Done! Enjoy!!

Can't wait to take my little girl out for her 6th birthday photo shoot!!!

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