When we bought this house one of the huge bonuses for me was the LARGE laundry room. The bummer...three doors! Not a ton of wall space means having to be creative with the "mud room" and not being able to do big shelves or places for shoes. I knew I wanted to do something on the walls for the kids to have a space for backpacks, and notes to/from school. I pinned a few ideas and then with the help of Greg we created our own space that works for us. We may add a shelf above the coat rack at some point but for now this works for us! Some of the spaces that inspired this space are from here and here.

I hope to do a before/after of the frames that I used...but I gotta find the before pictures first!
The doorway in the above photo leads to the kitchen...the door in the bottom photo leads to the backyard. There's another door to the right of the doorway to the kitchen that leads to the garage...plus there's a closet next to the washer and dryer...so it's a big room but not a lot of space for a big shelving unit or anything like that.
Gotta get this sweet photo hung and finish cleaning up the laundry room before I show you the whole thing!

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