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family picnic

Friday, June 22, 2012
Last week I decided on a whim that we needed to have a family night...out of the house! So, I packed a little picnic and we went to the park. The kids were SOOOO excited to hear that we were going to have a picnic and go play ball at the park. I was so excited to get the family out of the house, away from the tv, computer, telephones...but not the camera (sorry). I whipped up a quick pasta salad...I just cooked some noodles, cut some cherry tomatoes, a yellow pepper and a cucumber, added some already cooked chicken, and some italian dressing (made from the dry packet of italian seasoning). It was good but next time I'll add some chunks of cheese as well! The kids LOVED it and Greg told me I could make it every week!!
 I also threw a quick fruit salad together, packed a cooler with some capri-sun (a special treat), some crackers and a few cookies. We had our picnic ready to go!

 We enjoyed our dinner (should've laid the blanket down in the shade ... now we know)...
 And then I busted out the bubble machine!! yay! It seems to me that Hannah has maybe never really seen/played with bubbles before. She LOVED it. And Micah taught her how to chase and pop them!

 Greg and the kids also played baseball...I got in on the action too, got to pitch to Greg and even hit a few. Naomi was my designated runner!

 Hannah wanted to play ball too!
 She's getting ready for Naomi to hit!
 Man, she just melts my heart, such a cute little stinker ;)

 And time for a quick picture with daddy before Micah melted down and wouldn't take a picture with me. Oh well, maybe next time!
We hope to make this a regular thing...hopefully it won't be too warm. Otherwise we'll have to wait till the fall for family picnic days!

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