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a typical afternoon

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
If you were to drive by our house on most days around 4pm this is what you would see. Well, something along these lines anyway. We LOVE to play outside, have a snack outside, ride bikes, play family, and just hang out. And most often you can see our neighbors hanging out with us as well. Can't wait to bust out the swimming pool and sprinklers!!! The kids LOVE their new helmets and they are actually getting the hang of riding a bike. We never really practiced much in San Antonio so they're both learning at the same time. Naomi does really well. Micah did great one day, fell off the bike once, got back up and rode some more and now won't touch the bike. He rides his "big wheel" though. Silly kid. We'll get him back on the bike one of these days!

Sometimes it's hard to say, "we have to go in now and make dinner" I'd rather just keep playing...but our bodies need energy so we can play right?

Theresa said...

We do the same and when I say we have to go in so I can make dinner, they say "Can't you BBQ?" cause that means they can stay out :)

km said...

REALLY REALLY SWEET! How wonderful that you have SIDEWALKS--perfect for bikeriding and evening walks! :):) Hope you are LOVING your new home.

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