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happy mother's day!!!!!

Sunday, May 08, 2011
Mom, thanks doesn't seem like enough to say. Now that I am a mother to three (just like you, two girls and a boy) I understand what you went through for me. I understand the frustration, the joy, the fear, the triumphs, the stress, the happiness, the chaos, the LOVE. Thank you for being such an incredible mom to me and my brother and sister. Thank you for the example you have set. Thank you for being willing to serve (now and in the past). Thank you for putting me and my siblings first and for losing your identity for a time so that we could learn ours. Thank you for driving us places and doing fun things with us. Thank you for teaching us how to use the bathroom, how to tie our shoes and how to read. Thank you for being there during the hard times, the sick nights, the stressful moments. Thank you for still loving me even when I turned my back on you or said hurtful things. Thank you for allowing me to be me and for watching me grown and gently leading me down the right path. Thank you for being an incredible grammy and for showing my kids your love and tough love! Thank you most importantly for showing me Jesus! I love you mom and while you're half way around the world serving Him I pray that you are wrapped warmly in His arms and know that YOU are loved with an everlasting LOVE!

And the three best reasons for being a mom...

To my mother-in-law...Thank you for the gift of life you've given to my husband. Thank you for loving him in his difficult times and rejoicing with him in his triumphs. Thank you for supporting him in everything he does. Thank you for taking him to church, for helping him get a great education. Thank you for driving him all around town and taking him on fun outings when he was small. Thank you for going to his baseball games and showing him how a mother is to treat her son. Thank you also for welcoming me with open arms and making me feel part of the family. Thank you for being such an encouragement in our lives and for your support of how we raise our children. Thank you for being an incredible grandmother to our little ones. Thank you for all you do and have done for us. We are grateful!

To all you moms out there. Thank you! You are incredible. Thank you for countless acts of service you provide. Thank you for loving your husbands, and your children. Thank you for shaping the future!

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