The kids are besides themselves. Not sure what to do, what to think, where to go. We've been SOOO blessed by our friends and their willingness to help out. The week has been busy and the help has been invaluable. Each day this week we've been surrounded by friends and I only wish I would have taken this time with these friends earlier. It's been incredible to "live life" with these people over these three and a half years and even more in these last few weeks.
The packing is coming along...but we still have a LOT to get done before Sunday night. We've got some help with the big kids lined up but could still use someone for the weekend. They were here with us all day today, and it went pretty well but I'm sure they were bummed to not really have us to play with them. They will have a great day tomorrow of that I am sure. Anyway, I better get back to the packing so my anxiety can be diminished. Just wanted to peak out from behind the boxes and say hello. Pretty soon my sweet computer will be packed away and not unearthed for a couple of weeks...I've got a post or two lined up for while we move but please come back once we get settled I know I'll have LOTS to share. For now, here's some photos of the boxes...ha!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

What a blessing to have others to help you :) Pretty soon you will be all settled in your new home. ((((hugs))))
I see that you're bringing several cases of Shiner beer with you. Good thinking. ;)
I've been thinking of you and YOUR HUGE TRANSITION-MOVE!!!! What a joy to have friend's love and support as you follow God's path. I WISH YOU a smooth and easy MOVE!!! HANG IN THERE!
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