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guest post - Katherine Marie - card drops

Monday, July 05, 2010

I'd like to introduce you to my sweet and awesomly talented
photography mentor, Katherine Marie.
Katherine's blog is chock full of great ideas,
ideas for theme of the week stuff with kiddos,
ideas for random acts of kindness,
ideas for awesome gifts,
and just about anything else you could think of.

Check out her awesome Project Smiles in Chicago.
I'm totally inspired to do that in San Antonio!!!
And make sure to check out her cupcake theme of the week,
where they sent 12 jars of cupcakes to friends and family,
just because!! How awesome.
Now, onto Katherine's random act of kindness.

Completely inspired by the CARD DROPS at Kind Over Matter

we went around town to leave happy little surprises for kids and adults alike!

The idea behind "card drops" is to leave something for a stranger---

it could be a kind word, encouraging note or exact change to buy treat.

"The smallest act of kindness

is worth more than the

greatest intention."

---Oscar Wilde---

Every act of kindness counts.

Don't have time for a card drop? YOU could---

Buy a candy bar for a gas station attendant.

Hold a door.

Drop a dollar in the toy isle (on purpose!).

Leave change in a soda machine.

Ready. Set. GO spread the kindness friends!!!!!!!



Brianna! said...

Im totally in LOVE with this idea

Kindness is the absolute most rewarding thing.


katherinemarie said...

ahhhh thank you Jamie for saying such nice things about me. :):) You are such a wonderful friend and I'm so glad God brought us together!!!!!!!!!

hawkeyejlp said...

What a great idea! My five year old assistant and I are going to do this TODAY.

Larissa Holland said...

I fell in love with this idea! Thanks so much. I posted about it too. :-)

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