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Tuesday, March 30, 2010
For the past couple of days I've been going through the bins of clothes
getting things ready for warmer weather and bigger sizes.
Yes, new clothes for all of us...well, except Greg.

We are so blessed to receive hand-me-downs
from some great families at our church.
As I was going through one bin I noticed
dress after dress after dress.
Naomi's going to be in heaven.
Her little closet is packed full of new (to her) dresses.
Micah got a few new things as well,
although I still need to go through his dressers
and put away the "too small" stuff.
This is such a process...
takes me a good week to actually get anywhere.

I got some new-to-me clothes too!
My friend Amy gave me her maternity clothes
(don't worry Amy, I'll give them back if you need them again)
*wink wink*
It was fun to go through the bin and see all sorts of
beautiful clothes, albeit stretchy
but still beautiful.
I did about four loads of laundry today,
(which I normally don't do any on Mondays)
just getting all our new-to-us clothes fresh and ready to wear!
And yes, in case you're keeping track
I will be wearing stretchy pants before too long.
It's come a LOT sooner with this one...
but I say "BRING IT ON"

Greg worked in the garage most of the day,
got tons of new shelves up and just about
everything off the ground!
Makes the garage twice as big as it used to be!!

He also set up the other bed in Naomi's room.
We've decided that for the time being
Naomi and Micah will share a room
and the baby will get its own room.
It just seems easier that way.
Then we can get the two big kids used
to sharing before the baby comes.(Currently working on Micah's crayon M!)
We're not having Micah sleep in there just yet.
Still need to get another bed gate so he doesn't fall out.
And finish up with some other things.
I am not too anxious about moving him
to a big-boy-bed!!! Ugh!

I think he's excited though.
He wanted to nap in there today.
But we're going to wait at least till
after Easter...maybe longer.
We're going to hang the kids canvas prints above their beds.
Then we'll put the mirror that goes with the dresser up
and I have their name canvas' for the walls next to their beds.
Can't wait to get it all done!
Man, when did he get so big?!
I would love to hear any words of wisdom
you moms out there have for getting kids
to actually sleep in the same room together.
I know it's probably easier if that's all they know,
like if they start out together,
but that's obviously not our case.

We've got a 3.5 year old girl
and a 2 year old boy
about to share a room with each other
for the first time!!!

I would love to hear stories of what
has worked for you and what didn't work.
Any tips? Ideas?
Funny stories just so I know we're not totally crazy.

So, those are our changes for now!
Anything changing in your house?

veterankindergartenteacher said...

Jaime, I did not realize that you were expecting. How exciting! The children's room looks terrific! Can I pick up some things for your little boy? He evidently wasn't as lucky as your daughter. Let me know. Blessings, sweet lady

katherinemarie said...

I love that CANVAS on the wall!! I wish I had room-sharing tips to share... but my kids have never done it--- this summer M and B will be moving in together... :):)

Anonymous said...


I have been doing the "clothes" thing for a week now and it is never ending for me. Constantly rotating clothes is something I have a love/hate relationship with! As for sharing rooms....Molly and Sadie share and Abbie and Kenadie share. You just have to put the rules down right away and make them clear. Tell them what the consequences will be if they don't listen or get out of their beds, or talk. Stick to them then. Once it becomes a routine you should have no problems. Hope that helps!


Holly said...

When Andrew and Noah started sharing a room the first week or two was a little rough, but now it's not usually all that bad. Often when we come to check on the boys before we go to bed we find that the boys are in bed together snuggled up, so cute.

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