This is what real life looks like in our house.
It has been cold and rainy.
The kids play outside and of course find the mud.
And play with it.
And get it EVERYWHERE.
But that's okay.
So, I have to do one more load of laundry.
So, I have to sweep outside, AGAIN.
So, I have to clean the mud off the door.
They're kids!
They're having fun.
They're making memories!
That's what I love!

Inside is the same story.
Most days all the toys get pulled out and
played with for a moment
then forgotten for something else.
We clean up twice a day...
and for now that works for us.
I think if we had less toys they'd play with one for longer.
I'm gonna try that.
When I get a minute in the house alone.
But right now, I gotta clean the mud off the door.
The kids play outside and of course find the mud.
And play with it.
And get it EVERYWHERE.
But that's okay.
So, I have to do one more load of laundry.
So, I have to sweep outside, AGAIN.
So, I have to clean the mud off the door.
They're kids!
They're having fun.
They're making memories!
That's what I love!

Most days all the toys get pulled out and
played with for a moment
then forgotten for something else.

and for now that works for us.

I'm gonna try that.
When I get a minute in the house alone.
But right now, I gotta clean the mud off the door.

If you don't have muddy little hands or messy floors then you DON'T have kids!!
Cute pics
Fantastic pics! Looks like your children have a fantastic time playing! I am now following you from Follow Me Fridays! Great blog:)
Wait-when did you take those pictures of MY house?
And you're making me feel guilty for telling my kids it's too wet, cold, and muddy to go outside!
Visiting you from FF and I have to say that any MOm that lets her kids play in mud is an amazing Mom in my eyes. Good for you. Good for your family.
Love the mud art....don't you just hate to wash their tiny hand prints off sometimes...they grow way to fast.
Stopping by from Follow me Fridays!!
Andrew kept laughing and saying "Mommy they're all muddy!!" as he was looking at the pictures of Naomi and Micah. Hopefully after this weekend I'll have more fun snow pictures to post on my blog. Glad your kids were able to have some fun outside!
The MORE MESS... The MORE FUN! I remember loving TEXAS because I could just hose them off--- isn't the mud delightful!?
Girl, I feel your pain! LOL! Cute blog! Friday following! Glad to find your blog and look forward to following your posts
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