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our trip to dallas...

Thursday, February 18, 2010
began sooner than we thought it would.
Kimi called early in the day to warn me of the snow storm that was hitting Dallas.
I called Greg to see if we could leave earlier than we had planned.

It was a good thing we left when we did (which was like 1pm).
We got just south of Dallas before we had to sit and wait.
We sat and sat and sat some more.

This was different that being in WI because Dallas doesn't really have snow plows.
It was not fun sitting but the kids were great.

There were these two guys in front of us who kept getting out of the car to make snowmen and stuff. Then the guy in the car next to us got out to talk to those guys and eventually gave them both bottles of beer. AWESOME! Snow, Texas drivers who don't drive in snow and BEER! cool!!!When we got there about 8pm we spent some time catching up and shortly after got the kids in bed. We enjoyed watching some TV and just hanging out with our friends! It was fun! The power flickered a few times but we didn't think anything of it. Till the morning when we realized the power was out and it was pretty chilly. The boys spent the day in the their hats and pj's and we eventually went to the mall to warm up, eat, and let the kids play.Love this shot of little JJ!Naomi was so excited about the snow and wanted to play in it first thing in the morning.
We didn't let her play till later because we wanted to make sure she could come into a warm house after being in the cold.
Everything's bigger in Texas!
When you need a ladder to finish your snow man you know you're in Texas!
The kids finally got to play in the snow!
They had a blast!
Micah kept falling over because the boots we bought him were a little big.
She loved every second of it!
She was throwing "snowballs" at the tree and thought it was hilarious!
Love these little brothers and can't wait to meet their next little brother in June!
How fun are these kiddos!
Yes, mine are a little crazy,
but I wouldn't have it any other way!
Stay tuned for more photos from our little excursion from Sunday!
katherinemarie said...

What a SNOWY friend ADVENTURE!!!! I still can't believe that is TEXAS. I really like the snow LADY.

Hattie said...

I guess you could say when it snows here in Texas we go a little crazy! Ha! Looks like y'all had fun!

Sinful Southern Sweets said...

What fun! Love the pics, such cuties!!

Katrina said...

Looked like so much fun!! I can't believe how big those snowmen are. Apparently I've been slacking. :)

Rachel Cotterill said...

At least you made it :) The kids are adorable, particularly wearing their woolly hats indoors!

Visiting through Trendy Treehouse's Friday Follow, nice to meet you :) said...

Following from Trendy Treehouse's Friday Follow - love the snow pics! We got snow here in Charleston too.. and my daughter had a blast - you'd think she'd never seen snow before.. even after having lived in Canada ..

Hattie said...

We live in between Houston & Galveston! We had a little snow back in Dec., but nothing like Dallas!!! We just have the cold and wet!

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