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reversible felt crown tutorial

Wednesday, January 27, 2010 •
Naomi is TOTALLY into the princess thing right now.
Everyday she's a princess, sometimes the same one for a few days
and sometimes a new princess every hour.

She asked me the other day where her crown was.
I told her I'd have to make one for her.
I'd been planning on making a crown for
her third birthday but never got around to it.
So, I figured this was the perfect time.

I may have gotten ideas about how to do this along the way
from other people but mostly this is just my idea
of how to make a reversible felt crown...
and here's what I did.

Make a cardboard pattern...
(I use old cereal boxes for these.)
I folded it in half to make sure both sides of the crown were the same.
You also need a rectangle piece for the back of the crown.Trace onto two pieces of felt.
And cut out.
The pink piece has sparkles and it a little sturdier than the purple piece.
I think having one sturdy piece really makes this crown work.
Then I cut out the embelishment for the fronts.
You can do whatever you'd like.
I thought a monogram would suit her well.
I also cut some diamond shapes for the top little peaks.
Hand sew all the embelishments on each piece seperately.
Then I drew a little design on the back so I could
backstitch it onto the front without it being all wonky.
I don't care that the design wasn't perfect, that's what makes it more special.
Sew the two crowns together, wrong sides facing in.
But only sew the top and the bottom not the sides.
Trim off any pieces that stick out.Sew the tops and bottoms of the rectangular pieces together as well.
Leave the ends open to add elastic.
Sew the elastic to one end of the front piece.
Then match up the rectangle back piece and sew the elastic to that as well.I then fitted the crown to Naomi's head and
left a little more elastic showing on the other side.
The crown fits her perfectly now but I wanted to make sure
she'd be able to wear it in the future too.
Maybe for her 4th birthday?See how there's more elastic showing on this side?And a shot of the purple side.
And one satisfied customer.
She LOVES her crown and I think making her
wait four days between starting and finishing it
was enough torture for her to endure for one week!And here you can see how the elastic was sewn closer together.
I'd love to see if you make a crown too!
Just leave me a comment with your link!

I'm linking up at Blue Cricket Design
and at Somewhat Simple!

Lisa @ Fern Creek Cottage said...

This is so cute! I have boys but I'm going to tell a friend of mine with littlw girls about this!

Stephanie Lynn @Under the Table and Dreaming said...

This is fabulous! I love the felt crowns and usually spend a fortune on them each year for my son. Thank you so much for your tutorial! I may have to try and make the next one!

Lei said...

oh cool, i was just thinking i'd like to make some crowns for my kids for V Day!

Anonymous said...

Very sweet! ~Kelly

unDeniably Domestic

Steph @ somewhatsimple said...

that is so fun!

Naomi said...

How cute! Naomi and the crown. I love seeing little girls with my name, seeing as how NO ONE had it when I was younger. I clicked on your link from Somewhat simply's link party.

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