My best friend Julie is A. Maze. Ing!I told her that I was unhappy with the crappy button
that I whipped together for my sidebar.It looked...well...dumb.So, we got on the phone last nightaround 9pm after the babysitter leftand sat and worked on our projectswhile on speaker phone.It was SO nice. Not only to be getting new, TOTALLY improved buttonsfor my blog and etsy store.But to just sit and be "close"to my best friend.I miss our long chats face to face.I miss sitting in the same room and saying nothing at all for hours and being okay with that.I miss hanging out in the "fishbowl" till all hours of the night.
I miss our crazy adventures that took us to new and exciting places.
I miss her.Julie is a rare breed.She has a heart like not many people I know.Her heart is for the lost.The people that don't know Jesus.I can't tell you how many times she's askedme to pray for someone who was lost that she knows.I can't tell you how often we get frustrated togetherabout people that just don't "GET IT"Julie is very kind and compassionate.She cares for people with a tranparency that you just don't see everyday.She's also got an amazing sense of humor.And even though she picks on me a lotI know it's all in good fun (I think, right Julie, you don't mean it, right?)And she's a super deduper athlere.Not only is she an amazing friend that anyone would be lucky to have,she's also a wickedly talented graphic designer.
She works for Kremer publications and doestheir logo design work as well as other publications that churches ask for.She also designs everything for their VBS I tell you!So I am very humbled that she took those two+ hoursto just "be"with me last night.To sit on the phone and not talk much,but to feel like we were in the same room,as she designed me these new AWESOME buttons!(No, it didn't take her two hours to design them,that's just how long we were on the phone)Go ahead, grab one and put it on your blog/websiteI know you want to!
And one for my etsy store!

Someday Julie and I WILL go into business together...someday...
Do you need some graphic design work done? Maybe we could talk Julie into doing some freelance work...hmmm....
So lovely to have a friend like that!!!!!!! Beautiful work!
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