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easter bash

Sunday, April 12, 2009
He is Risen! He is Risen indeed! Alleluia!

What an amazing day, the best day in the history of history! How amazing that we have a Savior that loves us enough to die on the cross and take away our sins and rise from the dead to reign forever! What amazing grace! What amazing love! I like the word amazing today, can't you tell. But really, there have to be better words to describe what happened 2000+ years ago. Thank you isn't enough. Amazing isn't enough. Wonderful isn't enough. Awesome isn't enough. There isn't enough that we can do, because he did it all. But we can live our lives for Him and tell everyone we know the Good News of Easter!
We went to an Easter bash at church Saturday morning. We had a good time chasing the kids around trying to take their picture. Thanks Sarah and Susan for helping our kids find some eggs! Can't wait to share some photos of them in their Easter fancies! Hopefully I won't forget how to use my 35mm!What is up with his hair?

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