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gym floor

Friday, January 30, 2009
The Lutheran High School in San Antonio moved to a new location a little over a year ago and have been in trailer classrooms ever since. But they began to break ground for a new school building at the begining of the school year. They are making lots of progress! This building will hold science labs, music rooms, the gym and locker rooms, cafeteria and lots of other things until they can build even more buildings. They are getting closer and closer to being able to add things inside, so before they have the gym floor laid they invited the students and people from the supporting churches to come and write scripture verses on the floor. These verses will be covered with the flooring but I think it's pretty cool to have their new building built on the foundation of Christ's word.
Greg and I had Jenny come over and play with the kids so we could go write on the floor and then finish the rest of our date night from Friday... we went to The Painted Plate and painted some pottery and we had to finish painting it so that we could get it fired. We'll pick it up this weekend and I'll be sure to share how they turned out!

Chad said...

Greg had a FINE choice for a confirmation verse! Glad to see things are coming along at SALHS. Miss you guys!

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