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dr visit and birthday gifts

Thursday, October 09, 2008
Naomi had her two year well check on Friday. She did really good with everything. She didn't like being naked and kept asking for her jammies so the nurse gave her a was huge, but it was cute. She did great with the shot too...only cried for about a minute. Her current stats:
Weight: 28 lbs 4 oz (75%)
Length: 35 3/4 in (90%)
Head: 49cm (90%)...gotta have room for all those brains!
She loved all her birthday gifts, the piano, the easel, the table and chairs, the books, the clothes, tea set, apron and other little things that we gave her. Here she is modeling her apron...and laughing at Jake.

Naomi LOVES this tea set that Susan gave her. She didn't want to eat dinner because she wanted to play "tea paty". She woke up the next morning saying, "me pay tea paty" It was so cute. Thanks Susan...she loves it!

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