They pulled in around 12:30am on Thursday night, we got to talk a little bit and then hit the hay. Friday morning we spent some time at home and then met Greg for lunch. Friday night Greg had a softball game and then we just spent more time at home hanging out! It was so good to catch up. Saturday morning and afternoon were spent again at home so the kiddos could nap. Kimi and I got out of the house and hit up the kids resale shop and found some great toys. It was nice to get out with just the two of us (let's do that more often)!
Saturday night we were brave and packed up all three kids and all four of us adults into ONE minivan and headed downtown. Kimi and Scott had never been to San Antonio so we of course had to show them the river walk. It was fun with the double stroller for the bigger kids and our other stroller for Micah. Felt a little like a circus! We ate dinner at a great Italian resturant and had a great time laughing. One couple sat down near us and shortly after got up and left, we don't know if it was us or the fact that their waitor hadn't been to them yet. Then we headed over to the Alamo so they could say they saw it. We didn't know that we weren't the only ones with that idea. There were TONS of people at the Alamo...but for a good reason. It was the begining of Fiesta and the crowning of the new King Antonio. The Cavaliers are a civil service organization and they crown a new king every year as the kick off to Fiesta. So, we got to witness this great occasion without even really having a clue as to what was going on. But it was fun none-the-less. We played some FRIENDS Scene it when we got home and had a great time.
Sunday we were ready for church and even would have made it on time for Bible class but Matthew got sick in the car and we needed to go home and get him and Scott changed (poor little dude). So we made it to church a little late for the service but we were there! Kimi was carrying around Micah after the service and everyone was like, oh is that your baby? he's cute. She was like no, this is Pastors baby...I have a nine month old. That would be a little have a nine month old and a two week old. Anyway, they stayed for a bit on Sunday and headed home around 4pm. We had such a great time with them here...even though Naomi didn't want to share and kept throwing her little fits! We had fun laughing, catching up and meeting that cute adorable Matthew! Let's hope it's not another 9 months till we see each other again! Thanks Kimi, Scott and Matthew for making time for us and for coming over to play! Hope to see you again soon.
Naomi feeding her little goat...I mean, her little friend Matthew!
First family of four foto in front of the Alamo

Naomi loves to dance, she's really getting into the music!

I LOVE that last pic of Naomi totally soaking in the music!!!
Oh man, I'm so jealous of you two! It's so nice that you live close to each other! Your babies are so precious! :)
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