Weight: 8lbs 11oz (50%) (he gained a pound and 8oz in 10 days!)
Length: 22in (90%)
Head: (75%)
So he's kinda like Naomi in that they are long/tall and at the 50th percentile for their weight. We don't know where our children are getting their length from but we're pretty sure it will even out once they get a little older, we are not tall people but we do have some tall members in our family. It will be interesting to see how tall Naomi and Micah get to be.
We had Jana come over on Monday to take some family photos of us. I cannot wait to see them. I took a few on my camera too but I want to "fix" them before I post them. But here's one to tease you...come back and look for more later this week.

Michael had a clogged tear duct for the 1st year of his life. It eventually opened up. He had yucky eyes that were crusty and teary for the first 12 months. They did say they would open it up with a wire thingy if it did not open up after a year - but his opened up on his own. Maybe it has something to do with the boys in our family. :) Glad things are going well.
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