I need this blog to help me remember what is going on in our beautiful, blessed life. I will write for me, for my family, for our memory. I will sometimes have fun crafts to share and new products that I'm excited about...but that's not my main goal. I will have book reviews occasionally (like later this week) and sometimes even giveaways. But my main purpose in this blog is to document us. We have a story to tell, just like everyone does, and if we don't tell it who will!!??
Our biggest and most exciting news is that God has blessed us with the joy of parenting another one of His children! We are so excited about this baby and everything has been great so far. The kids are super excited and have already picked out names and have decided which gender they want the baby to be...and they don't all want a brother! I have been feeling great as far as the pregnancy goes and feel so blessed to have fairly easy pregnancies. God is good. We will find out gender of baby cinco in the middle of February! Baby is due July 5th, so I'm hoping for a June baby ;).
One more thing if you came here through jamespurejoy.blogspot.com please know there is now an easier way. Just type in www.purejoycreative.com Yes, I finally bought my own domain! I hope to do great things with it this year. I have so many ideas and things that are happening with my little business, God is blessing me many times over!!
Well, that's it for now. I'll be back though!! And later this week I have a GREAT book to tell you about and one of you faithful readers will get to win your very own copy!! Have a blessed day! Hug those you love and forgive those you don't!

Congratulations on your newest blessing! I am very happy and excited for you.
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