I love taking a look back at the year to see how far we've come...it's amazing what can happen in one short year. We didn't move this year or have a baby but I did get a job outside of the home and our kids started new roles in school and with childcare.
We have been so incredibly blessed by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. He is so gracious to us. It would take me hours to name all my blessings but the one I am most grateful for is the gift of Jesus born as a baby that December morning. The fact that he was true God and true man at the same time, that He came to walk among us as humans on earth, yet remained without sin -perfect-. And that He did this knowing that He would face certain death on the cross taking all my sins and yours on himself...what amazing LOVE He has for us. What amazing grace He has blessed us with. For the times we mess up, for the times we forget Him, for the times we lose our patience, for the times we speak harshly or too loud, for the times we just don't care, HE has taken all those times plus every other little thing that is wrong onto HIMSELF. He was born a baby, so He could grow to be a man who was willing to go to the CROSS if that's what it took. And that's what it took and so that's what He did! For you. For me. For everyone. Glory to God in the highest!!
Here's a quick glimpse at 2013 through the months on my desktop calendars! (February seems to be missing....hmmm)

Desktop calendars are free from Shabby Miss Jen Designs

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