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micah - 4 years old

Tuesday, June 26, 2012
{Jackson, TN Child Photographer} Micah turned four at the beginning of April, right after we moved into our new home. I talked about doing this photo shoot many times...but yesterday we made it happen (only 2.5 months late). I took Micah to the Railroad Museum in downtown Jackson. This kids loves baseball, trains, and cars. So I figured that would be the perfect location. It was really fun because of all the times I've taken clients here for sessions the train cars have never been open. Yesterday the trains were open and Micah and I got to explore a little bit. We also got to in the museum and he saw the model train/city that they have set up in there too. He was in heaven. To top it all off after we got his shirt changed for some "baseball" photos and headed over to the park a REAL train came right by the museum. He didn't how loud the horn was but he thought it was pretty cool to see a real train go by...the conductor waved at him too! We took a few more photos and then headed home. He was a trouper in the hot weather and did an excellent job of posing for me and letting me get some shots of him as he is! Micah, you are an amazing little man. Your heart for others is so amazing. I love how you look out for your sisters and are so kind. You sure can be a little stinker at times too and like to whine instead of using appropriate words but I'm hoping that'll go away! I love your passion for whatever you are working on and how much you love baseball. You are truly an amazing child and we are so blessed to have you in our lives. I cannot imagine a day going by without you to snuggle with, talk to and learn from. I love you Micah! Thanks for being a great sport and letting me take your four year old portraits yesterday. I cannot believe you're already four!! Love, mom! Here are a few of my favorites from his session. You can see the rest on facebook! IMG_7598-135 IMG_7606-143 IMG_7654-191 IMG_7658-195 IMG_7689-226 IMG_7691-228 IMG_7718-255 IMG_7736-273 IMG_7740-277

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