I have always wanted to try my hand at making a doll for my girls. Well, this Christmas I was brave enough to give it a go. While they turned out okay, there are many things I learned and things I will do differently next time. I made the doll for Kiley to match the dress that I also made for her. I made Hannah's doll with a different dress in case Hannah and Kiley ever both bring their dolls to grandmas house, then we'll easily know which dolls belongs to which girl. I also loved this pink, green and gray fabric when I saw it and cannot wait to make a dress for Hannah with it! I loosely followed the Black Apple Doll from Martha Stewart but basically just looked at it to get an idea of how to put a doll together, then I did my own thing. The big kids helped me stuff the arms and legs and it was a fun project for us all to work on. Now, I've been requested to make a doll for Naomi. Here are the dolls on Christmas Eve.
Personally I like that they don't have faces. I did that on purpose...not just to save myself a step! That way the doll can be happy, sad, mad, glad you name it. Hannah and Kiley can really role play with their dolls and make them feel anyway they want them to, the dolls are permanently happy. I think next time I'd make the arms a little shorter, although I love the idea of a little girl dragging her dolly around by the arm! Tomorrow it's peg people time!
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