{Jackson, TN newborn photography} I don't normally talk to strangers. I'm pretty reserved and keep to myself. But when I see a pregnant woman I can't help but ask questions...like most people I suppose. When are you due? Do you know the gender? Is this your first? Standard fare. But then I usually progress with, have you had maternity photos taken? Do you have a newborn photographer in mind? A little forward? Maybe. But to me, I just want to know that the person has a way to capture the newness of life and the love of a family. Many times when I ask those last questions I am met with the name of a photographer in town. And that's good with me. I am so passionate about people having professional photographs taken that I don't mind when they tell me that someone else is doing their photos. I'm all about leaving a legacy and getting this point in time down in print. Since I am new in town I don't suspect that people would have my name on their tongue for photos of their new babies, anyway. Most people don't even know I'm here, let alone that I photograph babies and families, among other things. So, when I saw Nichole, I approached her and asked the standard questions and was met with an open opportunity to tell her about my photography business. I am so glad that she welcomed me into her home and allowed me to photograph her sweet six day old baby. I'd like to properly introduce you to sweet Eva Grace. I shared a few sneak peeks with you on Saturday but I'd like to give Nichole and Brandon a few more photos to share with their family and friends of their sweet baby...and I'd like to tell her story. Everyone has a story, whether it's dramatic or not does not matter...it's YOUR story and you're the only one who can tell it and share it with the world.
I think having a newborn in the house around Christmas can add so much to the season. You are instantly reminded of what happended two thousands years ago as our Savior came to the world as a baby. You're reminded that Mary still had to wake in the middle of the night to feed him, she had to calm him when he cried and even change him when he was dirty. You see everything with a new pair of eyes. Even last night when five year old Naomi prayed "Dear God, thank you for making Christmas so close. It's only 6 days till Christmas. I cannot wait to see you as a tiny baby. It's so awesome. I can't wait. Amen" it reminded me of how tender and fragile and amazing those little lives are. Even the earthly life of our Savior Jesus Christ started as a baby.
Here are a few more photos from little Eva's session. She didn't fall asleep too hard so I didn't get to try all my sleepy baby poses on Eva but I am so happy with the ones that she did allow me to capture. Here they are.
Eva has been loved since they knew she was coming. Nichole, Brandon and the boys were the recipients of that care and love before Eva arrived. Nichole had asked her grandmother to make her a quilt, not knowing that her grandmother had never made a quilt before. But her grandmother set to work and with the help of some friends made this beautiful Lonestar quilt. My cousin-in-law Jamie who is a quilt maker and has even designed patterns said, "It's takes a lot to piece the top, you have to make sure all the colors are in the right spot and there are Y seams in it that is more tricky to piece....Gorgeous quilt, one of my favorite patterns of all time and it's impressive that it's the first quilt she's ever made!" That's love. Now their family of five can snuggle up under this gorgeous quilt and think of all the time and love that went into making it.
Nichole is a third grade teacher and her class made Eva a VERY special quilt that includes all of the students handprints in the shape of hearts and then each student also made an owl (one of Nichole's favorite things) with their fingerprint. They took the time to make handmade gifts for their special teacher and her new baby. That's love.
Eva is the first little girl in the family so Nichole made sure to give Eva a girly space of her own. I know how much fun it is to decorate a little girls room so I know Nichole must have had a blast dreaming up this space and making it happen. I love the black and white damask pattern with the hot pink. She had her friend cut out the tree and owls with her silhouette machine and many items in the nursery were handmade or given as gifts. When you spend that kind of time working on your babies room make sure to have your photographer take some photos of it for you!
This precious little girl is loved and doted on by everyone in her family.
What a great family. A great example of love and faith.
Thank you Brandon and Nichole for allowing me to come into your home and work with your little six day old baby. I had so much fun working with all of you. Thanks for letting me get a few new baby snuggles in as well. I hope that you like these images and that you'll cherish them for many years!
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