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away in a manger

Saturday, December 10, 2011
We have the coolest kids. Greg and I say that on a regular basis. But seriously they are pretty awesome. They're hilarious, caring, thoughtful, loud, mischevious, entertaining and just down right sweet. The other day Naomi and Micah were singing Away in a Manger and the first time Micah sang it like this "Olivia no crib for a bed. The stars in the sky. The little Lord Jesus shut the door." Crazy kid. Then I asked him to sing it again and he sang the first verse perfectly. I asked him if he knew any of the other verses and he just said, "nope, I only know one" He does know parts of the other verses but he just needs someone to sing with him. I cannot wait for the Christmas program on Sunday, should be good.
Here's Micah singing Away in a Manger!!

Naomi wanted in on the video action too so here she is singing Away in a Manger. I asked her what other songs she has to sing for the Christmas program and she told me "Silent Night" and "Joy to the World" I asked her if she wanted to practice with me and she said "No mom, that's why we have practice on Saturday" I guess I'll leave it to the professionals (aka, the sunday school teachers).

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