Sunday was our last day at Mt. Calvary. The crying started when I was driving to church realizing it was the last time I would do so. The crying didn't end till about 3:30pm...with a few breaks in between obviously. The crying has continued into Monday evening at my Christ Care meeting and I'm not sure it will end very soon. I have words I want to say, just not sure how to put them on paper (or the screen). I will do so soon...but in the mean time here are just a few photos from our last Sunday at Mt. Calvary. More can be seen
This is Ms. Roberta and Ms. Yvette, they work in the nursery at Mt. Calvary and take care of the little ones EVERY SUNDAY! They are amazing, caring, fun, great with kids and just wonderful people. I am so blessed to have had them to take care of my little ones since Naomi was 8 months old. They've watched the kids and our family grow. We will miss you dearly...thanks for putting up with my kids when they're crabby, loving them into a good mood and for being amazing care givers for them.
Here's Naomi and her sweet little friend Abby. We're gonna miss Abby and her parents! Her mom has been so sweet when I come in every Sunday with a new question for her...she's a pediatrician and I felt so blessed to have her advice and friendship. They used to live in St. Louis so we've got that connection too. Naomi's gonna miss seeing Abby every Sunday!
Here's Naomi and two of her six Sunday School teachers. All of her teachers are so special to her. Kristen and Karen have also come over to hang out with the kiddos and Butch is on staff so we'd get to see them occasionally for birthday lunches! We will miss all of the great Sunday School teachers!!! Thank you for sharing Jesus with my little lady!
After the late service they had a big bbq meal complete with brisket, sausage, squash, potato salad, cake and other desserts. Mt. Calvary sure knows how to throw a party. We had a great time and are so blessed. We loved being able to see everyone together again and will truly miss these great times of fellowship (and the food).
After the meal there was a short sending service. Sarah, Sarah and Caleb got up and sang "Deep in the Heart of Texas" it was pretty funny! The congregation gave us this beautiful painting of the Riverwalk and the Tower of the Americas. We will never forget San Antonio or Mt. Calvary. We feel so blessed to have been able to serve here for three and a half years. Two of our kids were born here...and many memories were made here.
New adventures await us. God goes before us. We are going to miss Mt. Calvary terribly but know that God has a plan...and it's good that He is God and I am not because everything in my life would be a mess if that was the case! I'll be back with some other parting words sometime soon! Have a blessed day!
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