Before my parents left for their overseas teaching adventure they came back to our house for a couple of weeks. It was SOOOOO great to spend some more time with them and to have them help us out by watching the kids when we needed to go to Tennessee. They had bought a kindle before they even left Wisconsin because they knew they wouldn't be able to take a lot of books with them. When they stayed with us in January I told them I wanted to make them a case for their kindle so it wouldn't get scratched. That never happened. So, I'm glad they were able to come back and I had a little time to make them a case for their kindle.
I found this great travel fabric at Hancock Fabrics on sale and bought a bunch. I made a camera case for myself and then this for my parents and still have a bunch leftover. I plan on making some more cases for electronics and selling them in my etsy store once I get my sewing machine unpacked and my life a little settled. Here are some photos of the case I made for my parents.

LOVELY! DARLING! I Need one for my ipad... :):)
this is so awesome
Found your blog through Trendy Treehouse:)
please stop by and say hi.
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