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Friday, January 07, 2011
My parents left yesterday morning...
and I spent most of the day crying, feeling sad,
totally bummed that they had to leave
and just wishing they would come back.

Today I thought I'd be better,
and I'm feeling a little bit better for the most part
but I keep on crying at the strangest times.
Like when I found a drawing my mom did of Naomi's name.
Like when I looked out the window and saw the manger my dad built.
Like when Micah got out of bed this morning and asked where Papa was.
Like when I made the kids lunch and saw dishes my parents had used
clean but still in the sink air drying.

I know in my mind that I'll get to talk to them lots
while they are overseas for 18 months,
we'll skype, email, chat on facebook you name it
but my heart has not caught up with those facts yet.
My parents will still be in the country till the end of January,
but I just wish they were here.
I'm being selfish, I know.

We had a GREAT time while they were here.
For two weeks the dishes were washed and put away after every meal
(yes, we're still washing dishes by hand).
For two weeks I didn't change many baby diapers. (just big boy diapers)
For two weeks the kids got extra attention,
more books read, more games played, more pictures colored.
For two weeks grammy rocked a certain little baby girl to sleep.
For two weeks we had a handyman who helped with projects around the house.
For two weeks we had little day time adventures
and two times had special dinners out.
But my favorite part of those two weeks...
having someone(s) I love to talk to during the day,
make memories with, learn from, share life with.

I will treasure those two weeks,
but I will also miss those two weeks.
I hope the weeks to come get easier.
Theresa said...

I prayed for you this morning, Jamie. I will keep you in my prayers.

Mikaela said...

Jamie, I've been praying for you. That would be so hard. Hugs!

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