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awesome homemade cake

Thursday, July 01, 2010
My parents came to visit for a week
while Greg was in Colorado on the mission trip.
I'm so glad they were here...
we my dad got LOTS done and I'm forever indebted
to his hard work around our house!

While they were here we got the to chance to celebrate two special days.
My dad celebrated his 60th birthday
(it's the only time I'm half his age)
and my parents celebrated their 38th wedding anniversary!

So, for my dad's birthday I went out on a limb
and made pancakes from scratch
(simply because I was out of pancake mix)
and I made a chocolate cake from scratch
(simply because I didn't have a cake mix and wanted to see if I could do it).

I used to make fun of my friend Tami for making cake from scratch.
Somehow I forgot that was possible!
Ha, I'm such a dork!
So, Tami, not only was this cake for my dad,
my pride
and my tastebuds,
but this cake was also for YOU.
I'm moving up in the world of domestication!!
You should be proud!!!

(I know y'all don't need a "how to make a cake" tutorial,
I just like to take photos!! deal with it, it's my blog)

Oh and I made the chocolate frosting from scratch too.
I'm gonna keep looking for recipes for that,
it was good but not AMAZING!

Oh you want the recipe?
I used THIS one from Hershey's!
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<3 Jess

Jeannette said...

Visiting from New Friend Friday. That cake looks so incredibly yummy!

Stef said...

Mmmmmmm...that looks delicious! I always forget there's such a thing as making a cake from scratch, too. It's so easy to use a box mix and it always turns out! If I'm going to go to the trouble of baking a cake, I sure don't want to end up having used a not-so-good recipe or something!! Thanks for the tip on the Hershey's recipe!

Cranberry Morning said...

I just laughed at this: 'deal with it - it's my blog.' :-) And really, a scratch cake does taste so much better and is more dense and moist. I love it. Good job. See what you can do when you have to? ;-) Bet everyone enjoyed it a LOT.

Tara said...

Happy Birthday Wishes to your Dad from the Johnston Family. So glad you had a nice visit Jamie.

I added your RAK Button to the Friday Link Party Post. ;-)

Linda @ Linda's Lunacy said...

Hi! I'm visiting (and following) from New Friend Friday. Your cake looks delicious! Have a great weekend!

katherinemarie said...

Your dad looks SO YOUNG! and YOU look a lot like HIM! Hope your celebration was extra special.

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