I've got this board...
I found it at our church garage sale...
I want to paint it and hang it in my kitchen
way up high above the sink...
problem is, I don't know what to paint on it...
words would be nice...
but what?
Can you please help me with some ideas???

I found it at our church garage sale...
I want to paint it and hang it in my kitchen
way up high above the sink...
problem is, I don't know what to paint on it...
words would be nice...
but what?
Can you please help me with some ideas???

How about KITCHEN..I know it's simple, but it can be classic.
What about "I am the bread of life" or another food/drink related scripture quote?
What, you don't love the pretty fruit painting? ;-) Hmm, how about Give us this day our daily bread...kinda long, could do simply "Daily Bread".
Reminds me of "the fruits of The Spirit".
Cleanliness is next to godliness. Just kidding...
I like the previously mentioned options.
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord
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