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spiritual mothering: chapter 1

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
I want to take part in the discussions that The Simple Wife is having so I'm posting those questions here so I can join in. Feel free to skip this post if it doesn't interest you. As you can do with any post I suppose :)

1. Susan Hunt defines spiritual mothering as this: "When a woman possessing faith and spiritual maturity enters into a nurturing relationship with a younger woman in order to encourage and equip her to live for God's glory." What stands out to you in this definition? Why? Does this seem different from a typical mentoring definition? Why, or why not? I think there are three things that stick out to me the most, "spiritual maturity" a "nurturing relationship" and "encourage and equip". It's not necessarily about age but spiritual maturity. That can mean a number of different things. I love that the relationship is all about nurturing. It's really about being a mother (but obviously in a different aspect than your actual mother). And encouraging and equipping is so awesome. That's what it's all about. It's not about telling her what to do, or telling her that the mistakes she made are too huge to do anything about. It's about being right there with her and encouraging the roles and relationships that she's in and through your life stories equipping her for the road ahead.

2. Beginning on page 18, Hunt talks about our need for mothering. How do you see this need among women you know? In your own life? Not only do I see the need for mothering but also the need to have a mother or a "mother-substitue" as Susan puts it. I feel that need very strongly right now. I live 1300 miles away from my mother, this is the first time I've ever lived farther away than I can drive in one day. I feel the need for my mother or a "mother-substitute" from time to time. I need the face to face time and I long for someone to hold my hand and tell me I'm doing okay and my kids won't have too much to tell their therapists when they get older.

I also feel the need for mothering. Not only do I have small children and I am blessed to be able to "mother" them but I also see a huge need in our church. I know these young women would truly be blessed and find a spiritual mother to be a huge benefit in their lives. Their young minds are so easily influenced by the world around them and I know they would reap many blessings from being in a mentoring relationship with some of the "spiritual giants" that are sitting in the pews at our specific church (and many others I am sure).

I know that I would greatly benefit from a spiritual mentor. As a pastor's wife there are many roles that I play and many unspoken expectations (I don't feel burdened by our particular church probably more by myself) that are around that I feel the need to have someone take me by the hand and show me how to live fully for Christ each and everyday. The life of a Pastor's wife can be a lonely one and I'm not sure that anyone other than another Pastor's wife would even understand it so I think that is one criteria for me in my search for a Spiritual Mother.

3. What's something that you underlined, highlighted, circled, starred, or drew arrows to in this chapter? Why did it stand out to you? "These women belive God's Word is the only infallible rule for faith and practice, and they are committed to living out God's truth in the daily occurences of their lives. These women believe in and live by prayer." Yes, praise God for the women who will stand for nothing but real truth and real faith in a living God. Praise God for their faithfulness to prayer. I long to be counted among those women someday. I have a long way to go to be at that place but it is my prayer that I would move a little step closer each and everyday.

I'm really enjoying this book and cannot wait to see what the other women post about it. It's a great thing to learn more about and although I "hated" school it's good to be learning again!

Amy said...

While I'm not a pastor's wife, I am a pastor's daughter and I understand some of the frustrations associated with being such. There have been times that I've said I'm a PK and gotten the response "Oh, you're one of those..." I'm still not quite sure what that means.
I know that my mom feels a certain amount of pressure as a pastor's wife and she really makes the effort to be as involved as she can be. She also tries to make it clear that she will be as involved as possible but that she works (as a nurse) and there are just some times when she won't be able to attend important functions because of that. My parents recently moved from Las Vegas to Joplin, MO and so she is trying to create new relationships with those that don't know her and I'm sure that sometimes this is hard.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that I think you have great ideas about being a mentor/desiring a mentor. Recognizing where some of the challenges are in your life is a huge deal (not all challenges are bad). I wish you luck with finding your spiritual mentor and on your journey.
Sorry this is so long! I really enjoy reading your journal!

Joanne : The Simple Wife said...

Hi Jamie,

You made me laugh with the comment about hoping your kids won't have too much to tell their therapists someday! I can SO relate to that one. :)

(BTW...Do you know my friend Lisa, The Preacher's Wife? Can't think of her blog url off the top of my head, but she has a book that just came out/is coming out for PWs. Your thoughts on being a PW made me think of her.)

I long to be counted among those women someday too. Reading that thing that you underlined for #3 makes my soul long for it somehow. How I want that to be me someday!

So glad you're part of this!


ginger said...

Ok, that is sooo funny that Amy commented about being a PK, 'cause I am one too. My mom felt the same pressure you do, I'm sure. It can be a bit like living in the proverbial "glass house" at times, but it sounds like you have some good ideas to keep yourself grounded in Scripture. "God's Word is the only infallible rule"...Praise Him for His faithfulness! I look forward to getting to know you better though this study, Jamie.

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