This weekend Micah will be washed clean of all his sins. The cool thing, besides the incredible promise of forgiveness of sins that is Micah's through the water and the word, is that the word will be spoken by his father. Greg will get to baptize his third person this weekend. The first was our godson Noah, the second was a wonderful teenager at church and his third will be his son, Micah. How awesome! Greg will also be giving the sermon message at church on Sunday, so its double duty for the preacher man. We know that many of you cannot be with us in person but we'd like for you to witness this great occasion. You can log on to
Mt. Calvary's website and watch the service live and imagine that you are right here with us. The service is at 11am central time on Sunday, April 27. If you happen to be in church at that time you can always watch the service once it is over in the archived section of the website.
Micah has three wonderful sponsors who are all able to be with us for his baptism. My brother, Eric, is one godfather and he and his wife Catherine are coming in from San Diego on Saturday. Greg's sister, Holly, is his godmother and she and her boys (Gene, Andrew and Noah) should be here any minute. Greg's best friend from college, Jordan, will be Micah's other godfather, and he lives in Austin, so he'll be coming down for the service on Sunday. We're so excited to have them all here and to take on this important role of sponsorship for Micah. (My parents are also coming for the weekend)

we LOVED Micah's birth announcement (the baseball "he's out" one) No matter if we have a girl or boy our first child's birth announcement is going to be a copy of Micah's! Hope ya don't mind! Miss ya'll!
So cool that friends & family members can share in Micah's baptism with you in this way, isn't technology amazing??!!!
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