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Sunday, November 05, 2006
The Preachers hold on to the tradition of beating the Fort Wayne Seminary basketball team. Greg is playing on the basketball team again this year and this weekend they traveled to Fort Wayne for the tournament. They beat Fort Wayne by 12 points but lost in the championship game. Greg had a great time and had 7 points in the second game.

Kimi and Scott were here this weekend and it was so great to spend time with them and for them to be able to hang out with us. It was nice to have someone here too while Greg was gone. After church today we went to TGI Fridays with Kimi, Scott and Nate and the food was so good it put us all in a sleepy mood. Greg and Naomi crashed on the couch in front of football. I got some things done around the house and Kimi and Scott went to visit Kimi's twin brother, Kevin. I think we all would have wished for a nap but that's okay. I love that Greg is still holding on to the remote and it's pointed at the TV. What a guy! Gotta love him!
nate said...


it was great to hang out with you guys and "the millers" today. i had alot of fun. it's too bad we only get few more months in STL together.

Jones said...

Love it! They look so comfy!

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