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september fun...

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I have a few things I need to post about but haven't. Like how three weekends ago Greg and I took a trip to visit Jordan. We drove to Centralia, IL and had a great couple of hours hanging out with Jordan. It was great to see his apartment and his school (in the Baptist church) and the land they are building their new school on. It was a great trip. Hopefully we'll get out there again before too long! And Jordan you're always welcome to vacation here in St. Louis also...if you need to get away. It was a great afternoon spent with a great friend.

Shortly after that weekend I went to Peace for the first time since we've moved back. I was going for a reason and ended up staying longer than I anticipated because I was talking with some old friends. The reason I went was to pick up my baptismal gown. Okay, not mine but the one for my little lady. You see, a friend from church made the gown for me from the fabric that used to be my wedding dress. How cool is that? The gown is so beautiful. I am so excited with how well it turned out. It's not frilly and fancy, because I'm not that type of person and I wanted to be able to use it for other kids (boys included). I got the idea from my cousin because she did that with her wedding dress. (blogger is not letting me post pictures right check back and hopefully they'll be on here soon!)

We've had a great September so far and are enjoying our time before the little one comes. We still need to figure out what we're going to do for our Anniversary (oct 5) and I'm supposed to plan it. The problem is Greg is so busy that's it's hard to find a time to do something. And since we don't really know when the little one is coming it's going to be hard to plan something so ellaborate. I want to take Greg to the Melting Pot but it's really we'll see.

The next big thing was this past weekend. We have the priviledge of being godparents for another adorable little boy. Little Jeremiah is our third godson and he and his twin sister Grace were baptized on Saturday. It was a small private service in the Chapel at the Seminary. We're so excited to welcome Jeremiah and Grace into God's family!
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here's a scrap page I made with photos from sat. I can't resist a cute naked baby photo op. Jeremiah and Grace did a great job of posing for me, although the pictures could have been better if we had a little more time, but they're still cuties!
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This is the second page in the layout with all the godparents and Jeremiah and Grace's family!

(The scrap kit is from Tracy B April freebie kit at
Anonymous said...

Hey Jamie,
I wanted to wish you a REALLY early happy anniversary because when I see you at church I KNOW I will forget to tell you so I'm telling you now.

Jamie said...

thanks Katherine, that is very sweet of you!

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