Everything is going and growing good with the little one. She's very active and I'm loving it. It's fun to sit back and watch my belly just move around like crazy, sometimes she kicks so hard my whole body moves! Tomorrow is the sugar test! I go to the doctor for an hour, drink some sugary orange drink and then they draw blood to see if I have gestational diabetes. Let's hope it all comes back negative. My mom has diabetes so I'm hoping I don't have it. We'll see. Here's a picture of the little one...

Some more babies have been made known to me so I'm going to put an adendum to my babies r us post.
Steve and Rachel - due in November (1st)
Uncle Bruce and Aunt Tina - due in February (2nd)
Peter and Katie - due in March (3rd)
Congratulations to all of you. We're so excited for you! Blessings to you and your little ones!
Just checking to see how you and the baby are doing. Looks like great!! Glad to hear it and can't wait to see the little one when she's born. God's Blessings!
Hey Jamie! You look great! I hope your tests go well. My sister had gestational diabetes with Logan, but her test with her current pregnance just came back negative-praise God! I hope to see you and Greg sometime soon! Stay cool with this incredible heat and all of the packing you are doing! Love ya!
You are looking healthy and large, but that's good I think. Take care, Cory and Kristin.
Looking good! You all are in my prayers during your move and this oppressive heat! Stay cool! Hope to maybe see you soon.
you look cute!!!!!!!!!
oh my gosh Jamie you look so happy in this picture not to mention really good. Well I hope to see you soon. Gods Blessings!
You are looking great!! Hope the next few months treat you well. God's blessings on your move and with the baby.
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