You never know what tomorrow is going to bring. This afternoon Jim passed away. Jim is our landlord, his daughter and son-in-law are the ones who own the house we live in. Although we call Sharon (Jim's wife) our landlady we know Jim was also part of it. Sharon is an amazing women and after finding out that her husband died she simply drove to church to tell someone. But the Pastor's were already at home. Sharon told Beckie (the financial secretary) and Beckie then called one of the Pastors. Sharon kept saying that she didn't want to bother the Pastors because they were at home with their families. Sharon is a soft-spoken, truly dedicated, hard working Christian woman. While her daughter is in New Zeland with her family Sharon takes care of her house, and the four other rental homes that her daughter owns. Sharon is an amazing woman and I am so sad at the loss that she is experiencing. I didn't know Jim all that well, he doesn't come with Sharon when she comes to weed and mulch the gardens. You see, Jim was confined to a wheel-chair. He had very limited mobility of his legs so it was hard for him to get around and do the outdoor household stuff. Jim was a great man, he retired from teaching in Indianapolis and then started teaching closer to his home here. He was a loved teacher, friend, father, husband and grandpa. He will be missed. We hope that his children are all able to come and say goodbye. We haven't heard yet whether his daughter and son-in-law (and their three boys) that are in New Zeland will be able to come home but I pray that they are able.

Sharon took the time to sew this beautiful dress and bonnet for my daughter. It will always remind me of Sharon because of the flowers. I will always think of Sharon with flowers, she takes such good care of all the flowers around her daughters house. If she cares so well for them you can only imagine how well she cares for the people in her life. She is a treasure. Thanks Sharon for all you've done for us and for all you've quietly taught me. Thanks.
Please keep Sharon and her family in your prayers if you think about it! Thanks.
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