I even got to shoot a gun. I think it was a 22. A pretty small gun that Pastor got when he was ten. He said, "look through the scope and when you think you're lined up pull the trigger." So I did, and guess what...I hit the soda can right off the box...first shot. I didn't take any more shots because I wanted to end while I was ahead.

We then drove to the round barn and went inside. It is owned by one of Jan's (Pastors wife) cousins. It was pretty cool, you don't see round barns around much anymore. Then we drove to the covered bridge and walked across it. After those adventures we went back and had homemade apple pie and ice cream...it was DELICIOUS! Then we lit some fireworks and sparklers, snap n pop rocks and some snakes. It was a great evening! We've been having lots of fun lately and I'm just trying to soak it all in! Hope you're having fun too whatever you're doing!

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