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claim to fame

Monday, October 03, 2005
So the Packers played in the Monday Night Football game tonight for those of you who were unaware of that. I don't normally watch football, (it's usually on in the background but I don't pay attention) but tonight since I'm at home and my mom's a big Packer fan the game was on. I didn't really pay too close of attention but heard my mother's sighs and gasps as the Packers fumbled and did other bad things (I was cross stitching a wedding gift). Later in the evening I kept one eye on the game and one on my work, they started to make the game interesting at the end but still lost by 3 points. Bummer. Ahman Green got injured and so did...can't remember his name sorry, that guy had to be taken out on a stretcher and go get x-rays. Ahman just bruised his knee. Why in the world would I be writing about the Packers and football? Well here's the reason, my claim to fame (actually Greg's but I'm married to him so what's his is mine)...when Greg was in 7th grade he was playing on a city football team in Omaha Nebraska and he tackled Ahman Green. How cool is that? Ahman did not get a bruised knee then but he sure did get tackled BY MY HUSBAND! So what's your claim to fame?
Anonymous said...

I held Brett Favre's Beer once. Oh, and made Britney Spears a rockin good Caramel Latte a few times too.

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