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happy birthday!

Thursday, January 20, 2005
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! I LOVE YOU! I MISS YOU! Wish I could be around to watch you blow out ALL those candles tonight...providing that dad bakes you a cake. I pray that your day is blessed and as awesome as you are! Have a piece of cake for me. Better yet maybe I'll bake one and throw a birthday party in your honor!

In other news: It's 46 degrees once again in St. Louis and the snow is quickly melting. On to sports, Greg..."Thanks Jamie, it looks as if the preachers are on a winning streak. They have one three in a row. Thanks to the assistant coach Dan. Coach Voelz said he would let Dan continue to coach until he looses. Is that fair...or just a way to make sure Dan's record is not 100%. One will never know? Other news in Preacher basketball is that Jim proposed to Brandy at the game on Tuesday and ... she said yes. That's is for sports Jamie back to you." Things are calm around the office...but please keep Tammy in your prayers...she got rearended on Monday and is still trying to figure things out. That's it for today folks have a great afternoon..."and better tomorrows." (as Jerry Taff always 12 news in Milwaukee)

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